Our Services
Step 1
Determine YOur Goal
Step 2
Evaluate the Fishery
Step 3
Select Management Strategies
Step 4
Implement the plan
Step 5
REevaluate at determined interval
We pride ourselves in creating lake management plans that allow us to showcase our expertise while still providing you the opportunity to be as involved as you desire. Our management clients receive an annual budget, a minimum of once a month onsite visits to each fishery, a dedicated shared google drive folder with immediate updates after each visit, and no additional charge for all other services. Through our management services we execute harvest plans, implement vegetation control, map topography, sample the fishery with various methods throughout the year, and provide maintenance for fish feeders, aeration, and cormorant control equipment. Our plans start at $500.00 per month with no annual contracts or obligations.
Texas Pro Lake uses a custom designed electrofishing boat equipped with an ETS electrofisher for our primary sampling process. Electrofishing can target fish in water shallower then 8 ft in depth. It has a small effective range but offers a very quick way to see all sizes of fish found with then electric field. We standardize our surveys at 1 hour of continuous sampling followed by individual fish identification, weighing and measuring. Outside of electrofishing we have passive sampling gear including fyke nets and catfish box traps that we deploy to target specific species. Electrofishing surveys start at $1250.00 for the first fishery.
We are a member of the BioBase mapping service. With this we can provide topographic, vegetation, and bottom hardness maps. The BioBase services allows us to do in depth analysis of water volume, vegetation density, and habitat quantification. All our mapping can be provided as PDF or KML files that you are free to use. Lake mapping cost are highly dependent on the lake itself.
Our staff are equipped with field meters to measure temperature at various depths, pH, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium hardness, nitrate nitrogen, phosphate, ammonia, conductivity, clarity, and dissolved oxygen. Field sampling of plankton along with cellular counting can be done using our mobile lab. Cost of these samplings are usually included in other services provided at the time of consultation.
Fish habitat is complex, and so is creating an effective design. We work with you to use local resources and artificial products to maximize the productivity of your lake. Habitat is needed to increase reproductive success, improve survival of fry, provide ambush points, and to ensure angling success. Various types of materials and products can provide the optimal results. This service is typically provided following the completion of lake mapping and fish sampling on existing fisheries or as part of the initial lake design on new ones.
Planning for a new lake takes an understanding of water, soil, habitat, food chains, and your eventual end goal. We account for all this by quantifying the watershed volume, analyzing the soil, providing GIS services, and putting the plan together. We can work directly with your contractor or supply recommendations for one as well. Lake designing usually begins with a consult followed up by an onsite visit, test holes, and periodic check ins. Each lake requires a varying degree of time so estimating cost is highly dependent on your site.
A vegetation management plan may consist of herbicides, biologic, and mechanical control methods mixed with some reintroduction of preferred species. We provide a full range of chemical applications as well as permitting and stocking services for both Triploid Grass Carp and Tilapia. Before we begin controlling any plant we prefer to first identify the species, then assess water quality, and if possible map the lake. We tailor each aquatic plant control plan to your desired result.
Trusting your fish supplier is a big key to being successful managing you lake. We work directly with several suppliers to provide timely fish stocking that can be trusted. All species included on the FISH page of this website can be provided through our suppliers. Fish stocking is typically part of a larger plan following a fish survey in an existing lake or as part of the lake design in a new lake.
Trophy Largemouth Bass management has evolved past providing forage and culling undersized fish. Although these two things are still important, we now understand that genetics significantly maximizes your fishery. We utilize a standard 35-sample kit SNP-based testing with a 98.5% accuracy threshold for species calls, with results expected in 4–6 weeks. Results will include Florida vs Largemouth genetics, relatability, and trophy marker analysis.
Bottom diffusion aeration if done correctly will provide you with a tremendous amount of benefits and if done incorrectly it can create a very big headache. We prefer to start by mapping your lake to determine the actual contour. Then based on that contour, the volume of water in the fishery, and the size of the compressors used we can provide an aeration system that will fit your situation perfectly.
One of the main issues in private lakes is under harvesting. We work directly with you to #1 set harvest goals, #2 collect data on all fish harvested, and #3 help you hit your target harvest annually. This is typically done following fish sampling and is part of all our monthly management plans.
Aquatic nurseries can provide the plants we need to allow your fishery to have a healthy vegetation community without taking over or requiring constant maintenance. We start by mapping your lake to determine the littoral zone % then we select plants that fit your water quality and topography. Once that plants are ready we work with the nursery to get all the plants in the ground, or on an island. We then add protective measures to ensure the plants can establish without grazing.
Blue Green Algae can be harmful to livestock, pets, fish, and humans. We take a proactive approach and provide toxicity testing for cyanotoxins like microcystin. These test can be done on the shoreline and results are available within the hour. Algae blooms can occur rapidly so we also train you on the signs so you can be prepared to react to new blooms if necessary. Longterm we work to control nutrient and reduce the likelihood of a harmful bloom.
Cormorants and many migratory birds can be determinantal to your forage and smaller gamefish populations. We provide a unique solution to this problem borrowing technology from the agricultural industry and utilizing Autonomous Lasers provided by the Bird Control Group. The lasers change the birds habits by continuously moving causing the birds to flee. Once installed a single laser can control bird up to 10 acres away. We can aid in installation and maintenance of these systems along with adjusting programing as needed.